bending on tiptoes, swaying
to a silent rhythm
A woman walked into a village
Yes, that woman in a white dress,
with gold, flowing hair
A woman walked into a village
A little boy watched her smooth and fluid steps
An old lady by the hut saw her liquid motion
The man tending the field was enthralled
by her sweet and tender frame, face divine
For who would not love a woman
with wild eyes, body of fire?
A woman walked into a village
and soon enough, the whole town
was dancing in a frenzy
as if in a hypnotic hold
or was it all just her beauty?
A woman walked into a village
and they all danced without end
for days and days
until a child fell
dead on the floor, and then the old woman,
the man -- everyone danced
to death...
The woman walked into another village
and danced,
and danced.
*In 1518, a woman entered the city of Strasbourg and started dancing alone. Eventually, everyone also danced, and they danced to death. May their souls rest in peace.