“Pray, hope, and don’t worry.”
“Doubting is the biggest insult to Divinity.”
“If certain thoughts bother you, it is the devil who causes you to worry, and not God, Who, being the spirit of peace, grants you tranquility.”
“The Lord sometimes makes you feel the weight of the cross. Although the weight seems intolerable, you are able to carry it, because the Lord, in His love and mercy, extends a hand to you and gives you strength.”
-St. Padre Pio
"Holiness consists simply in doing God's will, and being just what God wants us to be."
"The nearer one gets to God, the simpler one becomes."
"A soul in a state of grace has nothing to fear of demons who are cowards."
"You cannot be half a saint. You must be a whole saint, or no saint at all."
-St. Therese of Lisieux
"There is no saint without a past. No sinner without a future."
"It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels."
"Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe."
"The Holy Scriptures are our letters from home."
-St. Augustine of Hippo
"The devil does not hunt after those who are lost; he hunts after those who are aware, those who are close to God. He takes from them trust in God and begins to afflict them with self-assurance, logic, thinking, criticism. Therefore, we should not trust our logical minds."
"The goal is to rise spiritually, not simply to avoid sin."
"Live simply and without thinking too much, like a child with his father. Faith without too much thinking works wonders. The logical mind hinders the grace of God and miracles. Practice patience without judging with the logical mind."
-St. Paisios of Mt. Athos
"A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, "You are mad; you are not like us." -St. Anthony the Great
"He should first show them in deeds rather than words all that is good and holy." -St. Benedict of Nursia